National Partnerships

We strongly believe in team work and are committed to making a positive difference in the communities in which we live. As a part of these efforts, Niagara and its team members are proud to partner with numerous charitable organizations that also seek to reach out to local areas in need. There is power in numbers and we believe that every volunteer makes a difference.


Política de Privacidad

Este es el Sitio Web de Niagara Bottling, LLC (“Niagara”). Niagara respeta la privacidad de nuestros clientes, solicitantes de empleo y de todos aquellos que visitan nuestro Sitio. Reconocemos que han aumentado las preocupaciones por la privacidad y por la seguridad en la transferencia, almacenamiento y uso de información personal debido al incremento en los servicios en línea.


Preguntas Frecuentes

What is BPA and is it in Niagara’s bottles? BPA (Bisphenol –A) is a chemical building block that is used primarily to make polycarbonate plastic and epoxy resins. Since Niagara® manufactures its own bottles and caps, we have total control of the materials. Niagara does not use BPA in any of its products. All of our bottles are produced using PET (polyethylene terephthalate) plastic and High-Density polyethylene (HDPE) caps. These are food-grade plastics that is approved by the US FDA (U.S. Food and Drug Administration) for their use in many types of food containers.


Factores Clave para el Éxito

Alta calidad, precios económicos y servicio excepcional. Como productora y proveedora de agua embotellada de la marca Niagara® y de marca propia para muchos de los minoristas líderes de la nación, Niagara cuenta con más de 50 años de experiencia ofreciendo a nuestros clientes calidad, precio y servicio inigualables.